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My Previous Clients Include
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"I have a 'Swiss Army knife' approach to what I do; enabling me to adapt to all sorts of creative briefs with gusto"

My enthusiasm to accept a challenge has led me down a variety of creative avenues, enabling me to explore and develop skills through a plethora of media, whilst accumulating invaluable tools, knowledge and experience along the way.

My career has been seasoned with a heady mix of creative and technical work for print, digital and video output and I have been blessed with opportunities to create work for some major players.

Among these being prestige car marques such as Ferrari and Maserati (printed marketing and interactive digital media), most of the UK's major supermarkets (packaging), and a whole host of entities and industries besides.
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Media & Processes
My knowledge of print media, print processes and finishing makes for a broader appreciation of what is possible, to further maximise the potential of any given print brief. 

Choosing the right papers or adding some impact with a bit of embellishment can take any project to the next level.
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As well as the usual industry standard apps, you'll often catch me using a variety of lesser-known software tools to help get the job done.
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File Nerd
I have unintentionally acquired a reputation for being somewhat of a file nerd.  Creating and tweaking print files to maximise their suitability AND reliability.

I'm also big on automation when it comes to print file creation.  Utilising, for example, Adobe Acrobat preflighting tools to build automated droplets for a variety of fix-ups, conversions, resizing and the adding of bleed to artwork by third parties.

Web and Socials
Qualified in advanced web design (distinction), I have a wealth of web and digital work under my belt, including e-commerce and rich streaming media as well as social media and marketing.
I have also developed various digital marketing, tourism and educational UI projects.
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Reel created for Instagram (click to watch)

 Paralax website for store concept
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Packaging Design
Throughout my career, I've realised a great deal
of structural and aesthetic packaging design.

In fact, I originated the very first 'Mug Shot' branding
and pouch design over 20 years ago
(current version shown for reference).
A product which still has a strong
presence in retail outlets!
  • Illustration

    (With various styles)

  • Photography

    Including product/site photography and art photography


<  Here are a couple of rough cut, rudimentary little phone-shot film projects.  Very lo-fi!